Refrigeration Learning System
Learn the thermodynamics fundamentals and main components of refrigeration cycle basics in a compact workstation
This system is designed to teach the fundamentals of refrigeration to students starting their learning in HVAC/R. With a data acquisition interface (DAI), parameters are shown live, making abstract notions such as enthalpy or COP much easier to grasp. A refrigeration training unit is often a “magic” piece of equipment that generates cold for the non-specialists. The Refrigeration Learning System (DAI) includes a software that shows the components of the system along with pressure and temperature readings at key locations.
Topic coverage
- Identify the main components of a typical refrigeration cycle and briefly explain their role
- Verify the pressure-temperature relationship of R-134a using the DAI, determine the COP and NRE
- Describe and configure the pressure and temperature controllers
- Vary the load, fan speed or expansion device and observe the effect on the other parameters of the system using the software
- Perform various electrical measurements and troubleshoot faults
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Features & Benefits
- Compact design
- Powerful data acquisition system and software for real-time monitoring
- Variable heat load and fans speed
- Includes fault-insertion switches for teaching troubleshooting
- Protection against high pressure to preserve the integrity of the system
Curriculum Resources
Festo LX – The online portal for teachers
and learners to access and create a customized learning experience.
Key features overview See what our learning portal can do:
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AET Labs is an advisor and value-added reseller inspired to bring real-world industry experience to education with end-to-end technology lab solutions. We are application specialists, service technicians and knowledgeable consultants who combine experience, curated product lines, and the ability to implement with professionalism and forward thinking. As a partner to New England education visionaries since 2005, we value educating future generations.