Preparing for Careers with the Festo Industry 4.0 Certification Program
The Festo Industry 4.0 Certification Program (FI4.0CP), a new comprehensive industry skills certification, is based on industry and education partnerships to ensure students have the right set of skills to be industry ready. FI4.0CP evolved from Festo’s global industrial automation division and technical education experience over the past six decades.
Benefits for the institution:
- An industry driven certification based on the needs of your students and the industries you serve
- Additional verification that your students have the skills needed to meet the demands of your industries
- Prestige to recruit students and industries to your institution
Benefits for your students:
- Allows students to transition into a variety of production, technician, and engineering jobs in high-tech and advanced manufacturing industries
- Provide students with a clear advantage over their competition in the job market
- Integrates into existing technical programs and is completed in parallel to students’ studies.
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As Seen at Education Labs in New England
Holistic Industry 4.0 Certification Programs
The Festo Industry 4.0 Certification Program is easily integrated with existing certificate, Associate, and Bachelor degree programs, and offers three levels of certification. Festo Didactic, partnered with NC3 – the trusted certification accrediting body in the industry – to ensure students are well-trained and ready for technical careers.
NC3 and Festo: A Common Mission & Vision
Like Festo, the NC3 mission is to build a workforce prepared to meet the industry needs of today and tomorrow. Festo and NC3 share a common vision of connecting employers and educational institutions in synergistic partnerships fostering effective training, elevated skilled careers, and employment opportunities. NC3 and Festo have built deep industry-educational partnerships and develop, implement, and sustain industry-recognized portable certifications built on national skills standards. Together, we envision an industrial landscape where all workers have skills they need to thrive, and all companies have well-trained employees they need to operate and grow.
Main Website:
NC3 Festo Partner Page:
NC3 Festo Sample Curriculum Access Point
Login ID: Please email [email protected] to request log-in ID
Mission Video:
FI4.0CP Equipment Guide – An overview of required equipment for Levels I, II and III
FI4.0Cp Lab Layout – A typical floorplan with layout for equipment
Level One Program Information – Equipment specifications and curriculum overview
Festo LX – The online portal for teachers
and learners to access and create a customized learning experience for Industry 4.0 skills.
Key features overview See what our learning portal can do: