Accessible Metal Powder-Bed Fusion with XACT Metal 3D Printers
The XM Series 3D metal printers are making waves in the industry, establishing a new level of price and performance. The printers deploy fiber laser-based powder-bed fusion technology by selectively fusing thin layers of metal powder to create parts directly from a 3D-CAD model. Powered by our patented Xact Core™ high-speed gantry system, the XM Series continues to revolutionize metal 3D printing.
- Large Build Volume – 125 in³ (5 x 5 x 5 in), 2,048 cc (127 x 127 x 127 mm)
- Small Footprint – Approx. 24 x 24 x 51 in³ – W x D x H, (610 x 610 x 1,295 mm³)
- Precision Optics* – 100W Yb fiber laser, 200W available with optional kit
- Scanner – Orthogonal high-speed scanner
- Powder Options – Cobalt, copper, iron, nickel, and titanium metal powders.
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Leading Technology
Xact Core™
Making quality metal printing accessible requires innovation. Xact Metal’s printing technology is built on the patent-pending Xact Core, a high-speed gantry system platform that allows light, simple mirrors to move quickly and consistently above the powder bed on an X-Y axis.
- Avoids the use of complex rotating galvanometer mirrors and F-theta lenses
- Maintains a constant laser angle across the whole build plate
- A simplified gas flow over the powder bed due to the smaller build chamber
Trusted Software Partners
Take your part from CAD model to printing with Xact Metal’s software partners. The Xact Metal printers rely on industry-leading software Netfabb for Fusion 360 by Autodesk and the Magics 3D Print Suite by Materalise, providing users with complete workflow integration:
- Optimized support generation
- Slicing strategies
- Toolpath planning
- G-Code generation
- Printing execution
- Software (3 hrs)
- Printer Set-up and Operations (1.5 days)
- Design for Additive Manufacturing (6 hrs)