AugmentedArc Virtual Welding Machine
The industry’s most realistic welding simulation solution for classroom training. For beginner to advanced-level welding students, the AugmentedArc system simulates multiple welding processes, blending real-world and computer-generated images into a unique, augmented reality environment.
Base system includes:
- AugmentedArc simulator
- Teacher software
- Black Infinity™ AR helmet with premium headgear
- AugmentedArc router
- MIG gun with AR nozzle
- SMAW stinger
- TIG torch with AR nozzle
- Two electrode/filler rods with AR tips
- Work stand for out-of-position applications
- Five workpieces: t-joint, butt joint, lap joint, pipe-to-plate and butt pipe
Build a larger, more-skilled welding workforce when computer-savvy individuals are drawn to welding education programs that increase their success with live arc welding.
Reduce overall training time compared to traditional methods, with the realistic live arc welding simulation of the AugmentedArc.
Minimize material cost by saving wire, gas and workpieces in this simulation environment allowing
students to define their welding skills before beginning live arc welding.
Optimize instructor efficiency by using the Teacher software to create a virtual classroom with customized curriculum, quizzes and weld exercises.
Real-time feedback is provided on users’ technique to help correct errors. Reinforce proper welding practices and accelerate skill advancement prior to actual live
arc welding in a lab.