November 03, 2021
2 min read

Instructors Get Hands-On Experience with Tormach CNC Machines

In the digital fabrication shop at Nathan Hale-Ray High School in Connecticut, instructors representing six schools across New England got together to get hands-on experience with Tormach CNC milling machines.

Thank you to Dustin Ricci, Engineering Instructor at Nathan Hale-Ray High School, for organizing and co-hosting this day-long professional development workshop with Adam Zelny, Applications Specialist at AET Labs.

Here's a recap of this engaging session:

Learning how to create toolpaths with Mastercam CAD/CAM software

Producing parts on the Tormach CNC mill

Finished products!

It was amazing to get together in person for this workshop. Thank you again to Dustin and everyone who joined us! We're looking forward to seeing what your students create with these machines!