Universal Fundamental Training
The Skills Conveyor is ideal for basic training in automation technology and mechatronics. The learning content is tailored in particular to the specific requirements of the training occupations mechatronics technician and industrial electrician due to the focus on mechanic and electric assembly as well as control and sensor technology.
Topic coverage:
- Mechanical construction, assembly, wiring and commissioning of a conveyor belt
- Basics of control cabinet technology and sensor technology and flexible use of industrial control elements
- Controlling a DC motor with a motor controller and wiring and controlling an AC motor (accessories required)
- GRAFCET basics, connection programmed control (VPS) and PLC programming basics (Siemens LOGO!, Siemens S7-1512)
- Theoretical understanding of the basics of energy efficiency
Extension Options:
Through various additional packages, the training system can be expanded step by step with targeted learning content. Among other things, the following subject areas can be opened up via extension sets:
– Sensors for object detection TP 1311 (8150804)
– Intelligent sensors TP 1312 (8116358)
– Rotary encoder for determining the belt speed
– RFID – identification for workpiece and pallet
– PLC EduTrainer for PLC programming
– Control cabinet for wiring and connection-programmed controls
– Conversion kit for pallet transport with one workpiece carrier (8187826)
– Drive technology with AC motor and time relay (8189527)
– Frequency converter (Siemens G120 or Allen-Bradley PowerFlex 525)
Additional Information
- Single workpiece flow and pallet transport on workpiece carriers in a training system
- The Skills Conveyor can be operated individually or in combination with other Skills Conveyors in rows or in blocks
- Comprehensive learning environment for all topics relating to the fundamentals of automation technology, and thanks to its exceptional modularity, it can be flexibly enhanced with additional key topics and ideally used for project work
- Comprehensive training documentation breaks down complex topics into small steps and learning units, allowing teaching to be designed in a structured yet flexible manner
- A specific teaching guide makes it easier for teachers to quickly get started with the training system and training materials and to integrate them into their own lessons
Festo LX – The online portal for teachers and learners to access and create a customized learning experience.
Key features overview See what our learning portal can do: