CAT Simulators

The CAT Difference

Cat® Simulators feature authentic Cat controls. Operators learn the same procedures as in the actual machine using genuine controls and buttons to match each machine. Learners do not use generic controls or the same control for multiple machines like other simulator companies. Each Cat Simulators System features the same genuine controls as found in the actual machine which means operators can make a seamless transition to the field

Watch how closely Cat Simulators match Cat machines—right down to the authentic Cat controls. Every application in the simulated machines matches applications used on real-world job sites. Every training exercise is developed with Cat expert operators. Whether students are just beginning their education or are seasoned operators training to improve production, Cat Simulators teaches “THE CAT WAY.”


“When we received an advanced manufacturing grant from Governor Baker, AET was a great resource to guide us through the process of design, equipment selection, and installation. Our program is now equipped with equipment that will provide our students with cutting edge technology which will prepare them for college and career readiness.”

Dr. Heidi Riccio, Superintendent-Director
Essex North Shore Agricultural and Technical School

“AET Labs has been our savior in creating the Blackstone Valley Education Hub (BV Ed Hub)! The Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce was fortunate enough to receive a large Work Skills Capital Grant from the MA Department of Higher Ed to create fabrication, design and computer labs. AET Labs provided us with the expertise and know-how we needed to successfully reach our goals. . . At the end of the project we got rave reviews from the community, our students, teachers, schools and our legislators.”


Jeannie Hebert, CEO and President of the Blackstone Valley Chamber of Commerce
Blackstone Valley Education Hub