zSpace is a groundbreaking experiential learning platform using virtual reality and augmented reality to help improve STEAM and CTE student performance. It's a technology that transforms how students learn about complex concepts through an interactive and immersive experience. Are you curious to know more about zSpace virtual reality? We'll do our best to explain what it is, but you really need to see it in real life to get it. (If you're in New England, reach out to us to get a demo!)
How zSpace Works
zSpace is a learning platform that includes a special laptop and stylus. Schools choose which zSpace apps to use on the learning platform, covering topics including advanced manufacturing, robotics, welding, and CAD. The zSpace technology utilizes three sensory characteristics to immerse students with:
- Depth perception
- The ability to look around
- Kinesthetic realism

Students pick up the stylus and engage with a virtual 3D object popping out of the screen by moving it all around. Just imagine how much more engaged your students would be if they could see their CAD designs come to life in front of their eyes before waiting for a 3D print!
Why Use zSpace Virtual Reality?
Your brain processes things differently when using a stylus to interpret an object versus moving an object back and forth with a computer mouse. Through natural movements, students use zSpace to manipulate 3D objects in a 360-degree screen-breaking experience using virtual reality to pick up, dissect, move, and interact with objects. zSpace allows students to explore concepts that could otherwise be complex, dangerous, or expensive and engages them in a way that traditional learning experiences don't.
zSpace Lessons and Certifications for CTE Programs
zSpace lessons meet state standards, making it easy to supplement existing curriculums. Browse here to find out how lessons ladder to Common Core and Next Generation Science Standards. Additionally, zSpace aligns with the Project Lead the Way engineering and computer science curriculums.
CTE programs can also award students NOCTI industry certifications by using zSpace in CAD, industrial electronics, mechatronics, pre-engineering, welding, and more.
How New England Schools Use zSpace
New England districts and schools use zSpace virtual reality to engage their students, introduce them to new careers, and give them skills to prepare them for the workforce.

READS Collaborative in Middleborough, Massachusetts
READS Collaborative is a regional school for students aged 3 to 22 with low-incidence disabilities. They have found great success engaging their students with zSpace lessons in health sciences and welding. In fact, two of their students have had welding internships with a local company, and we heard one was offered a welding job!
Westport School District in Westport, Massachusetts
The Westport School District is using zSpace as part of career pathway programs in their high school and as a career exploratory for their junior high school students. Students are getting exposure to many industries with the help of zSpace: advanced manufacturing, HVAC, automotive, and health sciences.
Bay Path Regional Technical High School in Charlton, Massachusetts
Bay Path has three zSpace learning stations to use the technology across five CTE programs: Electrical Technology, CAD, Health Science, Dental, and Veterinary Science.
Are you ready to transform your school with zSpace? Contact AET Labs for a demo. This technology will blow you away!